Q: Do you deliver? A: All of our bulk landscaping materials, including mulch, sands, soils, and rock are available for delivery! These materials are available by the cubic yard and delivery is available any day Monday through Saturday. The delivery fee and minimums for delivery are based on ZIP code. Please call us or stop by for pricing and delivery.
Q: What is a "yard"? A: One yard covers approximately 100 square feet, or a 10'' x 10'' area at three inches deep. We recommend a three-inch depth when spreading mulch.
Q: How much do your landscaping materials weigh? A: Mulch weighs about 600 pounds per yard. Sand, rock, and gravel weighs 3,000 pounds per yard. The topsoil and blended soils weigh in at 2,000 pounds per yard. Finally, our lava rock weighs 1,000 pounds per yard.
Q: How much does a bale of pine straw cover? A: Two bales of pine straw will cover approximately 100 square feet.
Q: Do you offer military discounts? A: Yes, we honor our military by offering discounts on mulch, rocks, soils, shrubs, trees and flowers 365 days a year.